Regional Plastic Surgery Center and Spa


Whether you opt for traditional liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction at Regional Plastic Surgery Center & Spa, the procedure can help you improve and enhance your body contours and make you look healthier, more athletic, and more attractive. If you have stubborn areas of fat on your body that will not respond to exercise or a healthy diet, liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction may be the right procedure for you.

Quick Facts About Liposuction Procedures

  • Sedation: General anesthesia
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Usually outpatient*
  • Procedure Length: Varies upon the area(s) being treated (typically around two hours)
  • Potential Benefits: A slimmer, smoother, more toned physique; significant reduction of unwanted fat
  • Recovery: Everyday activities can generally be resumed within a day or two; more intense exercise should be avoided for at least a month

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical body contouring procedure that can remove fat deposits that have proven resistant to traditional methods of weight loss. Even patients who eat a nutritious diet and exercise regularly may struggle with these stubborn pockets of fat. Liposuction is an extremely versatile procedure that can be used to target nearly any area of the body. Common “problem” areas can include the abdomen, flanks (love handles), back, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees, upper arms, chin, and neck. Men may also choose liposuction to reduce fat on the chest. Although liposuction does remove unwanted fat, the procedure is not designed for weight loss. Instead, liposuction is intended to slim, tone, and contour targeted areas of the body. Patients who are at, or near, their ideal weight and lead a healthy lifestyle can enjoy long-lasting results.

What Are the Benefits of Liposuction?

Our patients are thrilled with their results! Most patients who undergo the liposuction procedure are finally able to rid themselves of stubborn fat that did not respond to diet and exercise. To see the amazing results our cosmetic surgeons have achieved on liposuction patients, view the liposuction before and after photos we have featured on our website.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Female candidates for liposuction usually have the procedure performed on the hips, thighs, and stomach areas and beneath the chin, arms, and breasts. For men, the procedure is usually performed around the waist area, beneath the chin, and on the chest area.

Multiple areas of the body can be targeted during one procedure. However, liposuction is not a substitute for overall weight loss. Patients should also be aware that liposuction cannot remove cellulite. Patients can undergo liposuction in conjunction with other procedures, including tummy tuck. Contact our plastic surgery practice to find out if body contouring is right for you.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery are both treatments that can achieve a smoother and slimmer abdominal appearance, but each procedure is designed to address different concerns. In general, liposuction can be an exceptional technique for sculpting fat bulges and eliminating areas of isolated fat through the removal of stubborn fatty tissue. Although liposuction is effective, this method of fat reduction has limitations and cannot improve or tighten excess skin around the torso. As a result, liposuction is typically beneficial when skin laxity is minimal, and the best results are generally achieved in patients who have good skin elasticity.

In contrast, a tummy tuck can be an ideal treatment option for patients who struggle with excess skin around the midsection and seek to achieve a firmer, smoother, and tighter abdomen. Whether these characteristics are present as a result of genetics, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy, tummy tuck surgery is intended to slim the waistline by addressing loose/sagging skin and stretched abdominal musculature. Thus, the tummy tuck procedure is ultimately able to improve the look of a hanging or protruding abdomen. If fat removal is also necessary to achieve a patient’s aesthetic goals, liposuction and tummy tuck surgery can be performed together for comprehensive abdominal enhancement. Our board-certified plastic surgeons can recommend the best treatment plan for your goals after assessing your needs in a consultation.

How Is Traditional Liposuction Performed?

Many of our patients are individuals of normal weight with localized areas of fat on their bodies that refuse to respond to normal diet and exercise programs. Liposuction can eliminate these stubborn fat pockets by removing them with a special device.

Before the Traditional Liposuction Procedure

Our patients engage in a thorough consultation with one of our cosmetic surgeons. The liposuction consultation includes a discussion of the patient’s medical history and surgery expectations. Our cosmetic surgeons determine how much fat should be removed, the best technique to use, and if any other cosmetic surgeries need to be performed to produce optimal results.

The Traditional Liposuction Procedure

During the procedure, our patients feel no pain or discomfort, as anesthesia is used. Incisions, placed as inconspicuously as possible, are made in the problem areas. A small, hollow tube called a cannula is inserted through the incision beneath the skin. The cannula is connected to a vacuum unit and the fat is simply suctioned out of the body.

What to Expect After the Traditional Liposuction Procedure

Most of our liposuction patients go home the day of the surgery. The treated areas will be swollen and bruised for several weeks to months, so results are not immediately evident. Our patients receive prescription medication to control any pain or discomfort. Special garments or bandages may need to be worn to compress the treated area. Our patients are typically up and around the day after surgery and return to work within a few days; however, it is usually recommended that patients wait a few weeks to a month before resuming strenuous exercise routines.

As the swelling subsides, the results of the liposuction should become apparent. Additional procedures at our facility can help touch-up areas that need it.

How Is Ultrasonic Liposuction Performed?

Ultrasonic liposuction is a fat removal technique used at our practice that complements, but does not replace, the traditional liposuction procedure. Ultrasonic liposuction allows our plastic surgeons to access and remove fat from difficult to treat areas such as the upper abdomen, hip, and back. The ultrasonic liposuction technique involves using ultrasonic energy to break up fat cells and convert them into oil. This oil is then easily removed from the body with a suctioning tube called a cannula.

The Ultrasonic Liposuction Procedure

The cannula used during ultrasonic liposuction contains an ultrasonic probe at the end and is attached to an ultrasonic generator and a suction vacuum. Our patients are first given anesthesia. After the anesthesia takes effect, small incisions are made in the areas to be treated with ultrasonic liposuction at our surgery center. Fluid is added through the incisions and into the fat to be removed. The fluid swells the skin and allows our cosmetic surgeons easier access to the area. A cannula is then inserted into the body through the incision and passed through the fat. The ultrasonic energy generated by the cannula breaks up the fat cells and converts them to oil. The oil blends with the fluid and this mixture is vacuumed out of the body by the cannula.

What to Expect After the Ultrasonic Liposuction Procedure

Recovery after ultrasonic liposuction is similar to the traditional liposuction procedure detailed above. Complications possible with traditional liposuction are possible with ultrasonic liposuction. Additional complications from the ultrasonic liposuction procedure include skin burns and scarring caused by the cannula tip. Fluid can collect in the suctioned area following surgery, but this problem is usually insignificant and treated successfully.

If you are of normal weight yet carry saddlebags, love handles, or other areas of fat that just won’t budge regardless of how strict your diet is or how often you exercise, ultrasonic liposuction can help.

Are Liposuction Scars Noticeable?

Although liposuction is a surgical procedure and there will be some degree of scarring, the technique used by our experienced plastic surgeons minimizes the visibility of these scars. The incisions used during the liposuction procedure are very small, and in many cases, they can be placed in discreet areas. Once the healing process is complete, the scars from liposuction typically fade and are often barely visible. Our plastic surgeons can provide you with more detailed information in regard to possible scarring after your customized treatment plan has been designed.

Are There Any Liposuction Side Effects?

The most common side effects of liposuction are mild swelling, bruising, redness, or soreness. These side effects usually resolve quickly. Less commonly, patients may notice temporary numbness after liposuction. At the site of the incision, the skin may change color or become irritated. It is not uncommon for the skin to appear loose at the liposuction site immediately following the procedure. As the healing process continues, the skin typically contracts and contours to the new and improved shape of the body.

Our plastic surgeons will carefully review each patient’s medical history before determining their candidacy for liposuction. Patients with certain blood or heart conditions may not be good candidates as the risk for complications may increase. During the consultation process, your plastic surgeon will thoroughly discuss all risks and side effects, allowing you to make an informed decision about your body and overall health.

How Long Do Liposuction Results Last?

Since fat cells are removed from the body with liposuction, the results can be long-lasting—potentially even permanent. It is important for patients to understand that while new fat cells will not be created by the body, the remaining fat cells can potentially grow larger as the result of a caloric surplus. For this reason, our plastic surgeons recommend following a healthy diet and exercise plan after liposuction to help maintain optimal results. Patients are frequently reminded that liposuction should not be used solely as a means for weight loss, but rather as a way to fine-tune the contours of the figure while at—or very near—a stable goal weight.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Body contouring with liposuction is such a highly customized treatment, and as such, the average price range for the procedure can vary widely. Our patients at Regional Plastic Surgery Center & Spa typically spend between $3,500 and $6,000 for liposuction of one area including the surgeon’s fee, surgery center, and anesthesia. That price range is dictated by several important factors that are unique to each case. To calculate your estimated costs for liposuction, your plastic surgeon will consider:

  • How many areas will be treated
  • Which areas will be treated
  • Approximately how much fat will be removed
  • The most appropriate liposuction technique(s) to use
  • Whether you will require multiple sessions to achieve your goals

When the consultation is complete, you will receive a price quote for your customized liposuction treatment plan. A knowledgeable member of our office team will review the details with you and answer any questions you may have about the procedure or costs. You will also have the opportunity to learn about payment methods we accept, as well as plastic surgery financing options that may be available to you through trusted third-party lenders. Qualified applicants are able to take advantage of low- or no-interest financing and flexible monthly payments to make covering the cost of liposuction more budget-friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

Is liposuction covered by insurance?

Because liposuction is considered a cosmetic procedure, insurance plans will not cover it.

How old do you have to be to get liposuction?

While there is technically no minimum or maximum age limit for liposuction, experts generally prefer patients to be at least 18 years of age. With this in mind, age is not necessarily a deciding factor in eligibility for liposuction; rather, surgeons look at overall health, specific aesthetic goals, and realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.*

How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

Despite what some may believe, it is very important to understand that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. Liposuction should not be used solely as a means for weight loss, but rather as a way to fine-tune the contours of the figure while at—or very near—a stable goal weight. 

How can I reduce swelling after liposuction?

While swelling is a normal reaction to liposuction and typically not cause for alarm, there are ways to potentially mitigate its severity as you recover. For instance, be sure to wear your prescribed compression garments or bandages as prescribed. You may also want to consider drinking more water, temporarily switching to an anti-inflammatory diet, or undergoing a lymphatic drainage massage.*

Contact Our Practice for a Liposuction Consultation

If you would like to learn more about traditional liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction, we encourage you to meet with Regional Plastic Surgery Center & Spa’s surgeons. In addition to helping patients learn more about liposuction, they can also help patients determine whether they are candidates for other cosmetic treatments and surgical procedures. Please contact Regional Plastic Surgery Center & Spa today to schedule a personal consultation.

Medical References*

Lancaster General Health
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Skin and Laser Center
Skin and Laser Center